Opening Hours

Saturday 9:00am–5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am–3:00pm

Back Pain

We usually suffer from this state in our day to day lives. There is no specific reason, but majority of the masses are experiencing the pain. The busy schedules hardly give time for physical movements. Rather ignorance is offered to the pain. We fling to the pain killers which may shadow the pain for sometime but leave many side effects. Such kind of attitude sometimes, destroy our inner stamina and make us weak.

Physiotherapy treatments: Overcoming back pain is easy. We believe in curing the back pains with our experts’ physiotherapy treatments. Sciatica nerves are the nerves which run down the spines and when these nerves get inflamed causing great deal of pain in the back.

Disabled condition of body Healthy posture can give you confidence. It is generally gained from proper diet and special kind of routine exercises. However, it is generally seen that people of all age groups suffer from improper posture that causes back pain. Back pain originates from the muscles, joints, nerves, bones and various other reasons.

Back Pain can be classified into various categories such as Acute Back Pain, Chronic Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Back Muscle Pain, Herniated Discs, Spondylolisthesis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Lordosis. Experts track the nerves of sciatic pains and treatment them employing various methods. The analysis is also made for the causes of the pain which can be due to following reasons: Lack of sleep, Aging Depression Workload Footwear. The eyeing on cause can also avoid the problem in future.
