Opening Hours

Saturday 9:00am–5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am–3:00pm


Physiotherapy Sessions Restore Body whether you are old or young , very fit or just unfit, injury to bone, joint, muscle or tendon can spoil your enjoyment of life. physiotherapists concentrate on assessing you and restoring function. Physiotherapy is the careful assessment, treatment and management of your body to help the joints, muscles and nerves function to their full potential.

Medicine is not just the way to cure illness but regular exercises can get back the normal condition. Our experts have strong belief in their specializations that therapeutic treatment of doing physical exercises and other related activities act as catalyst to elevate the health with proper functioning of the organs.

As a part of physiotherapy, our experienced experts study the body condition of the patients that include posture, body balance and normal movement. Knowledge about the disease, injuries and required treatment are thoroughly discussed.

Physiotherapists help the patient to recover and regain the normal conditions. Our experts have deep understanding of the muscles, bones and nerves. Evaluation, diagnose and treatment of the patient’s illness, injury and complications are their prime duties. Proper care is taken in adopting the measures and techniques for correcting the complications.
